How To Get Online Cashbook Record Of Any Panchayat/ Odisha Gram panchayat Kharcha Cashbook Online Check

Hello friends, my name is Ajit and in this article today I am going to tell you that how can you check any Panchayat's or Gram Panchayat's transaction i.e. money transaction or we can say Panchayat's cash book record. As you know that a lot of funds keep coming in the Gram Panchayat for the development of the village, but we do not know how much money has come for what works in our Panchayat and how much money has been spent for what work. So today in this article I am going to show you with Lifeproof that how you can check the cash book of your panchayat online. And if you want, you can also download it in PDF and print it.

What Is CashBook In Grampanchayat

If you people do not know that what is the meaning of Cash Record ie Cash Book inside Gram Panchayat, then I want to tell you that the meaning of Cash Book is where all the transactions of Gram Panchayat are written i.e. in Gram Panchayat. Where how much money has been spent, from which fund, how much money has come in the account of Gram Panchayat, where all those expenses and all the transactions are written, we call it cash book. You can download this Facebook online only, the way to download is given below.

How To Check Panchayat CashBook

To check the cash book record of Gram Panchayat, you simply click on Panchayat Cash Book Record, after which you will go to its official website.

Select - Month Wise

Select - Financial year

Select State (Odisha)

Select Village Panchayat

Select District Name

Select Block Name

Select Panchayat Name

Select Month You Want

Put Captcha Code And Click On Get Report Then Automatacaly Download Pdf File Of Panchayat Passbook.

In this way, by looking at the cash book record of your gram panchayat, you can know everything online, how much has been spent in your panchayat and how much fund has been received, where it has been spent. If you like this article, then definitely share this article with your friends and if you have any feedback then you can contact us in it or you can also let us know in the comment thank you.

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