How To Online Admission Of +2 CHSE Odisha, How To Online Of +2 CHSE Odisha By Ajit Kumar Sahu / How To Online +2 Admission in 2021


Hello friends, my name is Ajit and in this article today I am going to tell you how you can enroll 12th class students online, for this you have to read this article till the last so that you can know very well that you are online. How can I take admission? For this, the government has launched a new website, the name of the website is from this website itself, we will try to do the admission of plus two today and it is something to keep in mind that you do this online admission. Do not make any mistake of any kind at the time otherwise, the student may face problems at the time of admission.

First Step (Registration of Student)

Before taking online admission of any student, the student has to first register on the website. For that, you go to the Orissa hotel in the evening, after that, you will see the option of School and Mass Education on the number two-section, there, on the first number, Higher Secondary School Plus Two will be written, now click on it.

As soon as you click on it, you will see a new interface here, the first will be a new student registration and the second will be an exiting student login, so you have to click on the new student register to
 register for the first time.

As soon as you click on New Student Register, you have to fill in your name, mobile number, and email id and click on generate OTP. As soon as you click on Generate OTP, an OTP will be sent to your mobile number and through that OTP you can create your new password. First, you enter your OTP there and on the new password you set a password like there should be an alphabet and a numerical and a special character like my name is Ajit then I can give Ajit@1234 and first Whatever it is will be my capital.

Second Step Login

As soon as you generate your password, then you click on Back to log in and thereby going to the exit in student or login option, log in, your mobile number and password will be selected by you.

Third Step CAF Apply

As soon as you log in there, you will have to do a total of four processes here. First, you have to fill up the application form, after that, you have to make the payment, you have to print the CAF and after that, you have to print the intimation letter. When you have done all these four things, then your admission is done. But for now, we will process only three first things we will fill up the application form second thing we will fill the payment, and the third thing we have to print the cf.

Application Form Fill up

Personal Details

You should know very well how to fill up the application form, do not make any mistake in it, if you make any mistake, your form may be rejected or you may create a problem going forward. See, here you will have to give the first personal detail in which you have to select your passing year, after that you have given annual exam or supplementary exam, you have to select it, after that you give your roll number, after giving roll number You can torch at any place outside, as soon as you touch the mouse pressure at any place outside or take the mouse, then your full name is in front of you, your father's name, your mother's name, your date. Off birth and how many exams you had put in matriculation, all that thing will come hereafter that if you have not done any film, you can flop it on your own like your blood group or gender. You can also do some film by yourself and here you keep in mind that giving blood group and aadhar number is not yours but if you have blood group then you give it or even if you have aadhar number you can give Give and here you have to upload your passport photo, the size of which should be less than 2 MB and also give the mobile number of your guardian If not, then give your car to their mobile number.

Details of mark grade secure in 10th examination

After giving personal information, you will have to give information about your mark sheet, such as how much mark you have placed on which subject, it becomes against for automatic, if it is not against you, then you can give it yourself. And you have to select here that you have compartmentally exam then select.

Record of Educational Instruction Last Attend

After giving the details of the mark, you will have to give the details of your last attended institution or high school such as what is the name of your school, where is the location of your school or in which village it is in which city, after that What is the district of your school, after that you had joined that high school like suppose if I take admission in a school from class VIII in 2017 then my joining will be this 2017, if suppose I am admission in ninth class I do, in 2018 it will be mine 2018 and after that, you select your living friend now, in which year you left your high school, after that if everything is correct then you click on the Next button.

Address of correspondence

As soon as you click on the Next button, you will see a new page in which you have to fill in your correspond and address, in this, you have to enter your state by selecting it, after that, your district has to be selected, after that your block Or you have to select the ULB, after that, you have to enter the name of your village to the post office and police station, after that you have to enter your pin code after that your mobile number and email id automatic Ali is sleeping there. If it is, then you have to leave it, you have to go away Income details of parents.

Income Details of parents

Income details of parents, first of all, what is your father's profession, you have to put that in this you will see the option of cultivation, then you can give it too, then select your mother's profession, what do you do there? But you can give the homemaker, after that what is your parents' annual income, put that and if you put below 600000 then you will ask for an account number there, give your account number and IFSC code there so that you can talk about the government. get scholarship from

Reservation Details

As soon as you click on Next, you will have to give your reservation details like from which cast you belong, are you ST or OBC or STDC, in all these if whatever category you belong to. Give it to you, if you give STSC, then you will also have to give the number of the certificate, then you fill it, if you give general or OBC, then you will not have to pay anything. And if there is an ex-serviceman in your house or someone who works in defense or if you belong to PWD, then you can select there, otherwise, you leave him non-existent.

Weightage Details

As soon as you are against the reservation details, you have to select your weightage details as given below, like if you have NCC, you have NCC certificate, then you can select in NCC, if your scout or guide has any certificate in the largest award or president If there is recognition then you can give it or if you have got a certificate like from the stateside from the national side or from the international side then you select it too, almost many students don't have all this then you Do not select any place here because if you select it then it will be necessary to give your certificate at the time of admission.

Select Your Choice College Serial

So as soon as you click on the Next button, you have to select the college of your choice and here you have to select the serial itself, in which college you want to choose your option first like suppose I want more in A college It seems and B throat is optional for me, then first I am in a college, I will fill all my details, in that you have to select the district of the college, after that you will see the whole list of that college, now select that college and then your sss Name, which stream do you want to keep and which subject you want to keep in MIL and what subject you want to keep in elective here, you go on selecting everything. And then click on the second option, by doing this you will have to fill your details in minimum 5 colleges, in which college you would like to study first and as soon as you fill your teachers in 5 colleges or give your option in 5 colleges. After that, you click on the apply button, and before applying you should check that everything is fine for you. And after that, you click on the OK button.

Online Payment

As soon as you click on the OK button, you will have to pay ₹ 200 here by clicking on IS apt terms condition and click on online payment, after that you click on the OK key button, after that, you will have to debit card or Then make the payment here through net banking. After making the payment, you will see the option of print there, only then you can print your application form by clicking on the button of print and keep it in a good place because it will be useful to you in the future. And if suppose you do not have a printer at the moment, then you can save it by clicking on Save HPDA. Your online admission work is over 50%, now you have nothing to wait for when the selection list will come, then you have to pay online and give admission by giving all your details and when it comes online I will write an article for that too. If you want more information about this then you can follow our youtube channel Akhadu Sambalpuri Thanks.

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