How To Apply For Ujjwala scheme.2.0/ What is Ujjwala Yojana 2.0 in india how to apply online/what are the Eligibility,What Are the benefits of Ujjwala Yojana?

What Is Ujjwala Yojana 2.0 

Friends, my name is Ajit and in this article today I will tell you about Ujjwala Yojana 2.0. Before this, you have to know what is Ujjwala Yojana. Ujjwala Yojana is one such scheme in which the central government Narendra Modi announced it in 2016 and 500000 BPL families were given free LPG connection. After this, while expanding the LPG scheme or we can say the Ujjwala scheme, in 2018, Narendra Modi increased its beneficiary number from 500000 to eight lakh. Even after that, there were many ration card holders or a lot of household talk. That is why again Narendra Modi Ji has launched a new scheme by doing Ujjwala Yojana 2.0. Under this scheme, there will be an LPG connection in the name of all the BPL cardholders or ration card holders or all the houses belonging to the ST SC category. In which gas will be provided to them at very low prices. Two methods have been given to apply this, such as online and offline, if the beneficiary wants to take advantage of this, then he can apply offline or online or register.

What Are the benefits of Ujjwala Yojana?

You are in the minds of many people that what is the benefit of Ujjwala scheme, that is, if we stay in the Ujjwala scheme, then what will be the benefit we will get. For this, I want to tell you that the first advantage of this is that an LPG connection will be provided in your house for free, in this, you will not have to pay any charges. Along with this, when you buy the gas in your account, you will get the subsidy amount under DBT. After that its next benefit is that you will be given an LPG connection as well as a free cylinder in which 14 kg of gas will already be filled, for this also you will not have to pay anything.

Eligibility for Ujjwala 2.0

If you also want to register in the Ujjwala scheme, then you should know who can take advantage of it, that means I am going to tell you about what its eligibility criteria have done, then read it thoroughly.

1) Its first eligibility criterion is that you must be above 18 years and the beneficiary must be female only.

2) Its second eligibility criterion is that there should not be any LTE connection in your house or there should not be any connection under the Ujjwala scheme

3) And its third or last eligibility criterion is that you must be living from a poor family or you must have a ration card in your house or you should come in ST or SC category if you are in any of this eligibility If yes then you will get Ujjwala connection. It is absolutely free, you will not have to pay anything for this, it is an absolutely free service.

How to Apply Ujjwala Yojana 2.0

If the beneficiary wants to take advantage of Ujjwala Yojana 2.0, then he will have to register through online or offline means. Out of this, if he registers online then he will get a Ujjwala connection very easily. If he applies offline then he will have to fill up 3 forms in total. If he wants to do it online then he can do it online by going to its official website, its official website After going to this website, you have to choose which company you have to register To do. Under the Ujjwala scheme, there are three companies that work in Ujjwala such as Indian HP and Bharat Gas. If you are in any of these three companies, you can register by giving your details and documents, now let's know what is its eligibility.

if you want to register it online then it's living proof. I have made a complete video of it on my YouTube channel Akhadu Sambalpuri, you can go to the same YouTube channel to know the process of applying, if you like this information, then you can share this article with friends or if this information is available to you. If you have any doubts about the information or have any doubts, then you can also ask us by commenting directly, if you still have any inconvenience, then you can also contact us directly, thank you by visiting the contact.

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