How To Check Who Will Get PMAY G Or Biju Pakka ghar Insensitive Or Bonous Price || Indira Awaas Bonas Paisa

Hello Friends My name is Ajit and in this article today I am going to tell you how you can check the incentive money of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana or Biju Pucca Ghar or you can check the bonus money, in whose name the bonus money will come or in whose name. Incentive money will come in the name, its list or who is eligible in it, how can you see it online, I am going to give you complete information about it in this article. For this, you have to read this article till the last, you will get complete information about it.

What Is Insensitive Amount On PMAY G/BPG

Before you check the incentive list of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana or Biju Pucca Ghar, it is important to know what is its incentive amount or bonus money, what does it mean, how does it get it, who gets it, where. First of all, you should know when you get it and when it is available. So see Orissa government has launched a new scheme named Housing Incentive Scheme, this means that if any beneficiary gets Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana home from the government or Then Biju gets the pucca house from the government and if that beneficiary completes the construction work of the house within 6 months, then he is given ₹ 10000 under the incentive or under the incentive amount from the Orissa government. In the same way, if any beneficiary completes the house work within four months i.e. within 120 days, then he is given ₹ 20000 incentive from the Orissa government.

How To Check Who Is Eligible for Awaas Insensitive Scheme

Now a question must be coming in your mind that how can we check that who will get ₹ 10000 under the housing incentive scheme or who will get ₹ 20000 under this scheme. To check this, you should first know that on which date the first installment of your Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana or Biju Pucca Ghar was lying and when was the last geo tag of the housing scheme if your first installment and last geo tag of the housing scheme There is a difference of 120 days only then you will get ₹ 20000 from the government and if the difference is of 180 days then you will get ₹ 10000 from the government.

How To Check First Installment Date And Last Geo Tag Date

If you want to check the first installation date and last geotagged date of housing scheme, then for this you first go to the official website of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, PMAY G Portal , after that you click on the report as soon as you click on the report there. After that you click on High Level Physical Progress Report, after that you select the financial year there, in which year your housing scheme house came, then select the name of your state then select the name of your district then Select the name of your block, after that you select the name of your panchayat and click on submit. As soon as you click on submit, you will be seeing the entire list of your panchayat, along with you will see a registration number, then copy or note down your registration number. After this you have to come again to the stakeholder, as soon as you come to the stakeholder, you must be sleeping there, you click on pmay g Benificery, after that you give your registration number there and click on submit. On the day you will be seeing all your details that when your first installation has come and when the last geo tag has happened, then you can check there by looking at how many days your interval is if your difference of 120 days If you stay then you will get ₹ 20000 and if you have a gap of 180 days then you will get ₹ 10000

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